TOKYO - 2019

27 students of Sakhalin Aikido Federation spent
the first week of October in Tokyo at international
aiki stage.
This time the group included of 19 teenagers aged
from 12 to 17.
Despite unusual for Sakhalin heat in October - the
temprature was up to 32 C the aikidokas have done
a month practice program.
They had very intensive training program in four
dojos under coach of well known masters: Doshu,
Irie Shikhan - in International Hombu Dojo, Hiroaki
Kobayachi Shikhan in Kodaira & Tokorazawa Dojos,
Yamawaki Hisashi in Higashi-Murayama Dojo.

So Sakhalin Aikidokas had a chance not only to
sharpen their practical skills, but dive into aikido
atmosphere as well, to see practice of masters and
feel the impact of power of spirit on human's life.
Excursion program also made contribution into this
trip. Instructors of Sakhalin Aikido Federation
arranged excursions to Ueno zoo, Toyota Museum and
famous Museum of Samurai.

The 10th Aikido Kobayashi Dojo International Seminar
took place in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk on Apr. 29 – May
1, 2019. The seminar was led by Yamawaki Hisashi
Shihan (6th Dan Aikido Aikikai) instructor of Aikido
Kobayashi Dojo.
Yamawaki Shihan gave six classes in three days for
more than 70 aikidokas from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and

Special classes were given to children to make
them more acquainted with the art of aikido and
its main principles.
Final day of the stage was devoted to Dan Promotion
Tests. Dmitry Soldatenko, Ekaterina Belova, Elizaveta
Petruchenko, Yulia Leonova were promoted to 1 Dan
Degree, Evgeny Bardyshev was promoted to 2 Dan.

Aikido Kobayashi Dojo International Attestation
Seminar was hosted in Solnechny, Khabarovsk Region
on April 26 – 28, 2019.

The seminar was lead by Yamawaki Hisashi Shihan
(6th Dan Aikido Aikikai) instructor of Aikido Kobayashi
The event gathered over 60 participants from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk,
Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk on Amur, Solnechny.
Three days of stage were devoted to practice with
weapon (boken, jo) and without it.

Vitaly Korzh, Instructor of SFA and Alexei Rezepov,
Head of Kokoro Aikido Dojo (Solnechny, Khabarovsk
Region)participated in International Aikido Seminar
led by Christian Tissier (8 Dan Aikido Aikikai,
Shihan) in Moscow on March 30-31, 2019.
Our colleagues have got unique opportunity to
practice the basis of aikido under leadership of
Tissier Shihan. This practice became a good preparation
to international attestation seminars in Komsomolsk
on Amur and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
Sakhalin Aikido Federation sincerely congratulates
Valeriy V. Bastrakov, Head of Khabarovsk Region
Aikido Federation with promotion to the 5th Dan
Aikido Aikikai at Kagami Biraki Ceremony in Tokyo,

Khabarovsk hosted the 9th Far East Aiki Congress
on Jan. 3 – Jan. 6, 2019.
This year Aikido Congress gathered over 130 participants
from various aiki schools (Aikido Aikikai, Iwama
Ryu, Dendo Ryu, Sin Sin Toitsu ) Khabarovsk, Blagoveschensk,
Vladivostok, Komsomolsk on Amur and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
There were 13 classes during 3 days. Each class
was lead by representative of each school. Instructors
reviewed basic aspects of aikido and variations
as well. Great attention was paid to exchange of
experience and methodical work with children groups.
Sakhalin Aikido Federation was represented by
15 participants, 12 of them were teenagers.
- 09.10.2018
TOKYO - 2018
Nikaido Mitsuru sensei's seminar
hold in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in late September gave
Sakhalin aikidokas significant positive charge prior
to autumn training trip to Tokyo. This trip to Hombu
Dojo tied with 50th Anniversary of Aikido Kobayashi
Dojo was planned by Sakhalin Aikido Federation for
the period of October 2-9, 2018.

The schedule of this traditional
trip included 13 practical classes. Classes in Hombu
Dojo were at the early morning. Those who came to
Homby Dojo at the first time got acquainted with
training process led by grand children of O Sensei.
More experienced aikidokas got excellent opportunity
to practice with uchi deshi.
SFA members also practiced in
Kobayashi Dojo; friendly and informal atmosphere
made positive impact on training process and practice
of aiki skills.
Anniversary seminar in Tokorozawa
Budokan Center became the culmination point of the
classes in Aikido Kobayashi Dojo. This event united
over 370 persons from over 20 countries of the world.
SFA members obtained the unique opportunity to practice,
make acquaintance and simply talk with colleagues
from various countries. Actually there was represented
almost all the world on tatami - from East to West
and from North to South.

Sightseeing program of this trip
could have been usual if it did not include travel
to Iwama town in Ibaraki province. It better to
use the word travel since it took quite long time
to get there and the difference between hurrying
Tokyo and calm Iwama was so bright. It seemed quite
clear why O Sensei leaved Tokyo for this town. Still
active Aiki Shine and Aiki Dojo built by O Sensei
were also amazing. Their tatami still hosts practical
classes and seminars.
Generally it would be fair to
note dynamic start of 2018/2019 study year in SFA.
The impressions from September event and October
trip to Tokyo are calming down, but SFA members
are preparing themselves for another, the third
in this season event - the seminar led by Fabrice
Groize to be hold on October 26 and 27, 2018 in
Definitely every such event, seminar,
trip has positive impact on progress of each and
every aikidoka, accelerates the technical progress
at any level. However these events are aimed, first
of all, on those who prepare themselves for dan
tests. The next dan test in SFA is scheduled on
April-May 2019.

On September 21-23 Sakhalin Aikido
Federation hosted seminar led by Nikaido Mitsuru
sensei (5 dan aikido aikikai).
Japanese masters made and still
making significant impact on training of Sakhalin
aikidokas. In particular Nikaido sensei was giving
classes for SFA members in the late 90's and early
So joint practice is one of the best events for
aiki friends' meeting.

Nikaido sensei gave 6 classes
during these days. Two of them were for the youngest
aikidokas. Sensei emphasised attention on the basic
Friendly and easy style of teaching
helped participants to catch the key points and
information and motivated not only children, but
adults as well to practice at the classes.
Despite tight schedule the participants
did all their best to avoid missing a single class.
Four "adult" classes
were devoted practice of hands and hips manipulations.
Sensei's approach was based on change of direction
from moving up to moving down, it was the red line
of the practice, so some of participants called
it "Up & Down" practice.

In conclusion of the seminar Nikaido
sensei gave good wishes to the participants, asked
them to follow his advises and keep in mind pair
nature of aikido practice.
In reply to the words of gratitude
sensei expressed his hope that the knowledge and
skills received by the participants of seminar will
serve to further progress of Sakhalin Aikido Federation.
Traditional Aikido summer camp
had been held in the period from 11 to 21 July 2018.
Sapporo (Japan) had been chosen as the place of
27 young aikidokas at age from 8 to 15 years took
part in the camp this year.
The organizers of the camp were Sakhalin Aikido
Federation (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) and Hassamu dojo
Program camp session, in addition to daily training
sessions in aikido, included a large number of cultural
Trainings were organized and conducted
as a Japanese instructor personnel and instructors
from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
Under the guidance of Sakashita Kaoru sensei Sakhalin
aikidoists comprehend the nuances of basic aikido
techniques - Kihon Waza.
Trainings by Sakhalin instructors were directed
not only at the technical aspect of Aikido, but
also on the special physical training young aikidokas.
Much attention was paid to education in the classroom
speed, coordination abilities of the children and
their special endurance.
There were 7 group excursions, in which the children
were able to learn more not only about Aikido and
Japan, but also about the world.
The excursion program includes visits to the historical
village of Hokkaido, Maruyama Zoo, Museum of Science
and Technology for Children, winter sports museum
on Mount Okurayama, Sapporo City Aquarium, the largest
Templar complex in Hokkaido "Hokkaido Jingu".
On April 19 - 21, 2018 Sakhalin
Aikido Federation hosted IX International Attestation
Seminar led by Yamawaki Hisashi Shihan (6 dan, Tokyo).
The venue of this event was Specialized Children
and Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve (Greco-Roman
Wrestling). Initially Sakhalin Aikido Federation
planned the seminar to be led by two teachers, however
Yasuo Kobayashi So Shihan could not visit Sakhalin
due to health circumstances. All members of SFA
wish Yasuo So Shihan soonest recovery.
By the set time seminar gathered
significant number of participants from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk,
Korsakov, Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk on Amur and Blagoveschensk.
During three days of the event
Yamawaki Shihan gave seven intensive classes. The
teacher is well known for his serious requirements
to the quality of basic technical elements of aikido
since they are foundation for the following progress.
Yamawaki Shihan set up the priorities as follows:
the first classes were devoted to interaction with
partner and control of balance. Then intensity of
classes was growing up. Practical exercises were
realized in flow mode when participants practiced
in groups one by one without stop.
Sensei paid special attention to
the practice with traditional weapon (boken, jo,
tanto) as dan promotion tests include techniques
with it. On the final day of the seminar candidates
for 1, 2 and 3 dan successfully passed through the
promotion tests. Yamawaki Shihan allowed other participants
to attend the tests with one unchanged condition
- no photo, no video.
At the evening of April 21 sensei
gave final class within the seminar. The event was
good and dynamic, it flew at one breath - same as
previous ones.
However this time seminar was not
similar to the previous ones: it coincided with
SFA's 25 th anniversary.
At the midday of April 22 big
hall of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Specialized Children and
Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve (Greco-Roman
Wrestling) hosted the celebration of this event.
There was atmosphere of good wishes, friendly smiles
and sincere gratitude. Everything was planned in
details: show presenters Olga Kolosova and Georgy
Rumyantsev captured everyone's attention inviting
the guests to historical excursion, award path and
demonstration show on tatami.
Yamawaki Shihan congratulated members
of SFA and handed 5 Dan Certificate to Yuri Misaylov,
SFA Chairman, who is the founder of aiki movement
in Sakhalin.
In the turn Yuri Misaylov told
the guests about two other persons in the celebration
hall who were together with him at the beginning
of the way to the world of aikido. They are Em Dyu
Sa and Viktor Misaylov. Yuri Misaylov's speech caused
long applause. 25 years ago they were beginner enthusiasts
and now - a team of qualified professionals. These
three persons together with their tem of instructors
involved into aiki world a lot of people from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
High technical level of young aikidokas
was proved out by various demonstrations within
the anniversary - there were serious technical demonstrations
as well as staged ones.
In conclusion show presenters invited
the guests to gather after another five years to
celebrate the 30-th anniversary of SFA. Guests of
the event, colleagues and friends came from other
cities of the Far East Region said a lot of good
and kind words to the heroes of the occasion and
cheerfully accepted the invitation.
To make the next anniversary happen
Yuri and Viktor Misaylov together with the team
of instructors and members of SFA continue their
routine, day to day training work. SFA team is in
process of intensive preparation to practice &
training trip to Tokyo in October 2018 to attend
the classes given by Kobayashi Yasuo So Shihan and
other teachers.
Good luck!
Far East Aiki Congress became traditional
event for aikidokas from Khabarovsk, Sakhalin, Komsomolsk
on Amur, Blagoveschensk and Vladivostok. Annually,
during New Year holidays Khabarovsk Regional Aikido
Federation hosts participants of the Congress in
their dojo.
This year the dates of event were
January 04 - 07, Congress consisted of 13 practical
classes for children and adults led by Valery Bastrakov
(4 dan, Khabarovsk), Michail Gorshkov (4 dan, Blagoveschensk),
Yuri Misaylov (4 dan, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), Alexei
Rezepov (4 dan, Komsomolsk on Amur), Viktor Misaylov
(3 dan, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), Sergey Pristavkin (2
dan, Khabarovsk), Evgeny Zotin (3 dan, Vladivostok).
Congress during three days gave
participants an opportunity to practice basic aikido
techniques at classes given by aiki instructors
of various styles: aikikai, iwama, sin-sin toitsu.
The participants could look at
technical actions, they used to do in their routine
practice, from diferent point of view.

In the capital of the Sakhalin region,
solemn events dedicated to the 135th anniversary of
the regional center were launched.

This year, given the grandness of
the date, birthday decided to celebrate two days.
In addition to invited guests, the city's creative
teams, as well as pupils of regional, municipal sports
schools and federations, came to congratulate their
beloved city.
Pupils of the Sakhalin Aikido Federation did not
become an exception.


Spring is traditional season for
Sakhalin Aikido Federation to conduct practical sessions
and seminars. So, VIII International Seminar led by
Yamawaki Hisashi sensei from Aikido Kobayashi Dojo,
6 Dan Aikido Aikikai, was conducted in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
within May 25-28, 2017.

The structure of the event can be divided into two
parts: the practical one and the promotion tests.
Yamawaki sensei emphasized attention on basic elements
of aikido during practical classes. Deep understanding
and permanent practice of the basic elements and techniques
are the key factors for each and every aikidoka to
improve one's skills and technical level.

This year Yamawaki sensei allowed
members of Sakhalin Aikido Federation to attend Dan
Promotion Test procedure. So we could support our
Practical session of this year was dynamic, well organized
and positive, same as previous ones.

Members of Sakhalin Aikido Federation sincerely thanks
Yamawai sensei for the classes and keep practicing
with due energy and patience looking forward his next
On April 28 and 30 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
hosted International Aikido Practical Session held
by Fabrice Groize, Le Circle Tissier instructor, 5
dan Aikido Aikikai.

The event arranged by Sakhalin Aikido
Federation with support of Sakhalin Trade Chamber
gathered Sakhalin aikidokas and representatives of
aikido federations from Khabarovsk.
Despite the short schedule of the session Fabrice
Groize as professional instructor could cover all
significant aspects of aikido practice. First of all
he paid special attention to basic techniques, especially
for young aikidokas.

Other several hours of the session
were devoted to practice with traditional Japanese
weapon - sword (aikido practice uses wooden practical
sword known as bokken).
The top point of the session was special practice
with knife. Fabrice Groize consequently showed the
most important techniques starting from the basic
ones and following to application ones that used in
military and police service.

Fabrice Groize visits Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to hold aikido
practical sessions for the second time. This session
is another step in Far East aikidokas' practice and
preparation to the 8th International Session "Aikido
Kobayashi Dojo" to be hold in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
in late May.

In the period from 15 to 25 February
in Sapporo (Japan) will host an international training
camp on Kenjutsu and Iaido. This event is aimed at
preparing for certification on masterful degrees dan.
Sakhalin aikido federation in these
training camp will present - Chairman, head coach
Yuri Misaylov and instructor Em Du Sa.
Traditionally, for the past 8 years,
the Dojo of Aikido Aikikai Federation Khabarovsk Krai
opens its doors to aikidoists Far East.
Each January, during the Christmas
holidays, amateurs and professionals aikido, adults
and children from Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Blagoveshchensk,
Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk participate
in the Far East Congress of aikido.
This year's congress was held in
the period from 06 to January 8.

Over the three days more than 100
participants of the congress were able to take part
in 12 training sessions led by: Valery Bastrakov (4
dan, Khabarovsk), Mikhail Gorshkov (4 dan, Blagoveshchensk),
Yury Misaylov (4 dan, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), Alexey Rezepov
(4 dan, Komsomolsk-on-Amur), Pavel Pastukhov (3 dan,
Khabarovsk), Victor Misaylov (3 dan, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk),
Sergey Pristavkin (2nd dan, Khabarovsk).
The participants of the congress were able to share
their theoretical knowledge in a heated debate between
the practical exercises.
Fabrice Goize, instructor from French
aiki school Circle Tissier (5 dan aikido aikikai)
visited Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk on March 11 and 12, 2016.
French instructor was invited by
Sakhalin Aikido Federation to lead training session.
This session gathered also instructors and teachers
from Far East Region - Khabarovsk Aikido Federation,
Khabarovsk Traditional Aikido Federaion (Iwama Ryu),
Kokoro Dojo Aiki Club from Solnechny, Tensin Aiki
Club from Komsomolsk on Amur.

Fabrice Groize gave 6 classes for
islanders and guests of the session; 2 of these classes
were with the use of wooden weapon. During the weapon
classes he showed outstanding technique of working
with sword in Kashima Shin Ryu Kenjutsu style and
phenomenal speed of basic aikido techniques.

Sensei highly appreciated organization
of the event and warm welcome. He also pointed out
young age of some participants and their desire to
learn more and dive into process of practice.
The result of this session was in
achievement of agreement to arrange such training
session in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk on annual basis.
February 11, 2016 became the start
date of international training session for 11 students
of Sakhalin Aikido Federation. The session took place
in Tokyo, Japan.
The schedule of session provided opportunity to cover
month limit of training classes in 8 days.
The classes took place in Hombu Dojo
led by Doshu and Waka Sensei, Tokorozawa Dojo led
by Hiroaki Kobayashi Shihan and Kodaira Dojo led by
Yasuo Kobayashi So-Shihan.
Good working atmosphere in Hombu Dojo and Kobayashi
Dojo had positive impact on Sakhalin students. The
dojos represent example of discipline and stronghold
of order established once and forever.

Sakhaliners could make friends with
Japanese tatami mates. By the end of session some
of them missed home, some got tired... But nobody
left the session without individual unique experience.
Somebody became stronger, enduring; somebody improved
their technical level, somebody could relax their
mind and adequately accept partner's action. And all
together realized the depth of aikido philosophy,
harmony and peaceful culture of this art.

Cultural program of being in Tokyo
included visiting of the following sights: Meiji Temple,
Shinjuku Park, Shinjuku Observation Site (150 meters
above the ground).
The session is integral part of preparation to international
seminars taking place on annual basis. This year these
seminars are going to take place twice in March and
Let's remind that Fabrice Groize (5th dan, France,
trained by Christian Tissier) will visit Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
in March 2016.
And May will be the time for seminar under leadership
of Hiroaki Kobayashi Shihan (7th dan Tokyo).
In Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk with the period
from May 21 to 25 held the 6th International seminar
Aikido Kobayashi Dojo.

For seminar administration of Sakhalin
Aikido Federation invites instructors from Japan.
This time the seminar was directed by Yamawaki Hisashi
sensei (5th Dan, Aikido Kobayashi Dojo, Tokyo).
The event was attended not only
aikidoists from Sakhalin, but also guests from Komsomolsk-on-Amur,
Within five days aikidoists adopted
the experience of the Japanese masters.
The outcome of the seminar was international
certification, which took place 35 people. Five of
them have demonstrated full compliance with the standards
and certification program for Dan degree - black belt.
It should be noted that for this level of skill guys
were more than one year.
On the eve of May they were able to pass the certification
of a serious test of skills in an international stage
under the direction of Christian Tessier sensei (7th
dan Aikikai, Shihan) in France.
The seminar, held in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk,
in turn became one of the stages of preparation for
the International stage, which will be held next autumn
in Tokyo.
April, may be, is the best time for
trip to Paris. At least spring time shows the most
exciting and most romantic one has ever heard about
capital of France.
Apple and cherry trees are in flowers
in April, narcissuses look out from grass. Spring
here is exciting and even air seems to turn head of
tourists. Even Parisians are in festive mood.

May be this is the reason why Paris
annually in April hosts hundreds of people devoted
themselves to aikido, amateurs and professionals.
Just think, one of Venceness gyms
gathered over 300 aikidokas from many countries. They
gathered at Easter Aikido Seminar lead by well known
Christian Tissier (7 dan, shihan).

Russia (and Sakhalin) was represented
by five members of Sakhalin Aikido Federation; instructors
Victor Misaylov and Vitaliy Korzh, together with their
students Alexander Severov, Olga Sekriyan and Sergey

Participants of seminar spent Easter
week in aikido practice gripping various features
of technical moments from masters - honorable Bruno
Gonzalez, Pascal Guilleman lead by Christian Tissier.
What is it to participate in seminar
like this? It is practice on tatami three - four times
a day, exhausting practice with sword in ken-justsu
Kashima Shinryu style trying to absorb the skills
and knowledge from instructors. Their teaching skills
together with aikido skills really excite.

Seminar passed in one breath. The
result is a lot of material for practicing in our
dojo. Administration of Sakhalin Aikido Federation
made decision that instructors should take part in
such seminars hold by French masters on regular basis
to improve their skills and teaching approach.

Paris is ideal city for enamored
people after all, creating the atmosphere as if entire
world is created for them. Completely agree Paris
is ideal city for enamored people... aikido enamored
Training trips to Japan became regular
for members of Sakhalin Aikido Federation. Traditionally
they visit Japan in February for a period of about
two weeks filled by practical classes and cultural

In this year the training trip started
on Feb. 10. Sakhalin aikidoists had ten days filled
with a month workload. They practiced under the leadership
of world class teachers; such as Doshu - Moriteru
Ueshiba, Waka-sensei - Mitsuteru Ueshiba, Kobayashi
So-shihan, Hiroaki shihan, Yamawaki sensei, Sugawara
shihan, Osawa shihan.

Usual training day of Sakhalin aikidoists
was as follows: 5-00 AM wake up, first practical class
at 06-30 AM under coach of Doshu or His son - Waka
sensei. Practical class in Hombu Dojo is one hour.
Approximately at 8-00 AM aikidoists had breakfast,
then spare time before lunch. After lunch - preparation
to evening class in Kobayashi Dojo.
Tokyo is the biggest city in the
world, sized as London and New York put together and
therefore it took quite long time to get from one
point to another. Sakhaliners were getting back from
evening class about midnight. And then new day, 5-00
AM, wake up and everything again...

Good work atmosphere in Hombu and
Kobayashi Dojos had positive impact on the aikidoists.
Hombu Dojo, the headquarter of aikido is example of
discipline, the stronghold of the order established
once and forever. Partners do not change each other
within the class. Safety requirements lead to performance
of aikido techniques without high level breakfalls,
i.e. there is no "flights" in Hombu Dojo.
Kobayashi Dojo is emotional addition
to Hombu Dojo. This dojo has more home and family
like atmosphere, less restricted; classes are conducted
in inspiration wave, with smile and jokes sometimes.

In the result guys saw two sides
of one join activity that adds one another. Such composition
made positive impact on the participants, gave them
the width of view, responsible and attentive attitude
to Aikido practice.
Tight schedule of practice required
good recovery and meals and sakhaliners were happy
to find various cafes offering good and nutrient food
at quite keen prices.
Cultural program was included into
trip as well. The aikidoists had sightseeing walk
and visited Meiji Shrine, Shinjuku Park, Shinjuku
Observation Area (located at 150 m above the ground)
and other.
Sakhaliners made friends with Japanese
dojo-mates and exchange contacts. Some guys started
missing home, some got already tired, but no one left
Japan without unique experience. Some of them became
stronger, some - more everlasting, some advanced their
speed and technical level, some learned to relax and
adequate reaction on partner's technique. All together
felt the depth of Aikido philosophy, its harmony and
peaceful culture.

The training trips are integrated
part of preparation to international attestation for
kyu and dan promotion as well as to international
seminar that will summarize the results of 2014/2015
training year for students of Sakhalin Aikido Federation.
Second annual weekend of January collect in Khabarovsk
aikidoists of the Far Eastern Federal District Aikido
marathon and Children's Forum Aikido.

2015 just is not an exception to the Sakhalin aikidoists
because of the heavy Snowstorm.
However, the mood of Sakhalin aikidoists to take
part in the marathon and the forum, as well as a slight
improvement in weather conditions have enabled them
to fly to Khabarovsk, albeit with a 12 hour delay.
The forum was attended by representatives of schools
Aikido from Khabarovsk, Blagoveshchensk, Vladivostok,
Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, as well as
schools Iwama-ryu and Daito Ryu from Khabarovsk.
The total number of participants exceeded 120 people
who participated in 10 training sessions for 2.5 days
of training.
Valery Bastrakov (4th dan Aikido
Aikikai) - the head of Aikido Federation of Khabarovsk
had visited Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk by the invitation of
the Sakhalin Aikido Federation on November 21st 2014.

During three days Valery Bastrakov
led 4 training sessions for Sakhalin aikidoists on
which he paid great attention to the basic components
of aikido techniques.

A return visit instructors Sakhalin Aikido Federation
to Khabarovsk is planning in January, 2015.
The International aikido seminar dedicated to the
45th anniversary of Aikido Kobayashi Dojo was held
in the central Budokan in Kyoto on Saturday.

The event was attended aikidoists
from Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile,
China, Finland, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Korea,
Macau, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Taiwan, Tunisia, Turkey,
UAE, UK, USA, Sweden, France, Japan and Russia. The
number of participants exceeded 500 people.

The culmination of the seminar were
the international demonstrations - embukay, in which
representatives of each country.
Russia was represented by the head
of the Sakhalin Aikido Federation Misaylov Yuri and
instructor organization Misaylov Victor.

After the demonstrations of the
solemn part of the event representatives of all countries
were awarded founder Koboyashi dojo - Yasuo so-shihan
gifts and souvenirs. Sakhalin aikidoists no exception,
with the handing-shihan commemorative sculpture handmade
with his image.
26 September 2014. in the regional center within
the "Sport of Sakhalin and the Kurils against
drugs" was a traditional festival of martial
The festival was attended by representatives of schools
judo and sambo, MMA mixed martial arts, kickboxing
and Thai boxing, taekwondo.

The Art of Aikido showed young pupils
Sakhalin Aikido Federation, demonstrating how the
basic techniques of martial arts, as well as elements
of the application of self-defense.
Young aikidokas Sakhalin Aikido Federation
congratulated the residents and visitors from 132
anniversary of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and demonstrated
the art of aikido in the main street.

Traditional Aikido Sakhalin Sapporo
summer camp had been held in the period from 03 to
14 July 2014.
Sapporo (Japan) had been chosen as the place of event.
20 young aikidokas at age from 8 to 15 years took
part in the camp this year.

The organizers of the camp were Sakhalin
Aikido Federation (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) and Hassamu
dojo (Sapporo).
Program camp session, in addition
to daily training sessions in aikido, included a large
number of cultural events.
A little workout.
Trainings were organized and conducted as a Japanese
instructor personnel and instructors from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
Under the guidance of Sakashita
Kaoru sensei Sakhalin aikidoists comprehend the nuances
of basic aikido techniques - Kihon Waza.

Trainings by Sakhalin instructors
were directed not only at the technical aspect of
Aikido, but also on the special physical training
young aikidokas.
Much attention was paid to education
in the classroom speed, coordination abilities of
the children and their special endurance.
There were 9 group excursions, in
which the children were able to learn more not only
about Aikido and Japan, but also about the world.
The excursion program includes visits
to the historic village of samurai "Noboribetsu
Jidai mura" aqua park "Marine park Nixe",
the historical village of Hokkaido, Maruyama Zoo,
Museum of Science and Technology for Children, winter
sports museum on Mount Okurayama, Sapporo City Aquarium,
the largest Templar complex in Hokkaido "Hokkaido
Jingu" and chocolate museum "Sapporo factory."
In the period from 22 to 26 May 2014
in the regional center held Fifth International Aikido
Aikido Kobayashi Dojo in Sakhalin.

The seminar was held under the guidance
of Yamawaki Hisashi sensei.
The seminar was attended by over 110 people from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk,
Korsakov, Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-on- Amur.
During the seminar, Yamawaki sensei
spent 8 general aikido class and 2 special classes
for children.
The culmination of the seminar was on the certification
of a yudanshya degree "Dan", which was attended
by 6 people.
Yamawaki sensei praised the organization
of the seminar, said a good level of training aikidoists.
He also invited to make a return visit to Sakhalin
to Japan.

MAY 2014

Traditionally, the month of May is
the month of certification in the Sakhalin Aikido
This May was no exception. 20 Sakhalin aikidoists
improve their technical skills, passing certification
on student "kyu" degree.
Ten days of winter - from 5 to 15
February - 20 pupils of Sakhalin aikido federation
held in Tokyo. Trip organized by the instructors of
federation, held in the framework of targeted training
for the upcoming examination aikidoists on black belts
(1-4 dans).

Curriculum included daily hours of
training in Hombu Dojo - it took classes with the
participation Doshu, Waka sensei, Kanazawa shihan,
Osawa shihan, Irie shihan and have been very productive.
In addition, the group was able to work out again
in Kobayashi Dojo. At this time, Kobayashi so-shihan
and Hiroaki shihan held a special intensive aikido
class for advanced level aikidoists and explains the
complex techniques in a variety of their nuances.
In confirmation - review of one of
the band: "Our group was able to attend classes
in the Kobayashi Dojo. All of them were excellent:
warm atmosphere, emotion, positive attitude to work.
I especially want to highlight the special training,
which was conducted with Yasuo Kobayashi so-shihan
especially for Sakhalin aikidoists.Outside the window,
snow storm, and in the dojo training - what could
be better?
2014 was a year
of starting a new business - the First Far Eastern
Aikido children's forum, which was held in Khabarovsk
in the period from January 9 to 11.
Organizers - chairman of the
Sakhalin Aikido Federation Yury Misaylov and
president of the Khabarovsk Aikido Federation
Valery Bastrakov - told: "Organizing the
First Far East Childrens Aikido Forum, we look
primarily to the consolidation - that is, the
unity of our instructors and students, to unite
our strength, knowledge and experience. We strive
to go beyond the narrow geographic scope, we
want to share and learn from each other all
the true, accurate, useful, it gives people
aikido. This also applies to performance techniques,
and the spirit and philosophy of the art, and,
of course, teaching methods. In order to raise
a shift, not enough to be a good athlete - you
must be a competent instructor". |
Both goals were achieved.
The forum was attended by over 80 young aikidoka from
Khabarovsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Blagoveshchensk, Vladivostok,
Within two days of training children
participated in eight sessions, each of which was
conducted by instructors from different cities, which
allowed to exchange experience not only the participants
but also the Instructors.
Upon completion of the event, all
participants were presented with commemorative gifts
and souvenirs.
In the period from 3 to 7 January under the leadership
of Victor Misaylov and Sergey Konstantinov were organized
training camps called "Aikido Christmas stage".
For 4 days aikidokas participated
in 10 training sessions devoted to the Implementation
of the basic techniques of aikido.
The stage at preparing for the upcoming
Sakhalin aikidokas certification in January, as well
as international collections, which will be held in
February at the Hombu Dojo (Tokyo, Japan).

The 5th Regional Martial Arts Festival

December 21, 2013. in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
sports complex "Olympia Park" was held on
the 5th Regional Martial Arts Festival.
The festival with demonstration
performances made by the representatives of federations
karate, taekwondo, kudo, boxing, pankration, MMA.
Sakhalin aikido federation students
demonstrated at the festival as basic and advanced
techniques of aikido.
Aikido - the art, to comprehend that you can devote
a lifetime. And anyone who engages in it, trying to
gain knowledge from the great masters, going to distant
lands where in the dojo hones their skills.
Sakhalin aikidoists are no exception.
In the period from 12 to 24 November 2013 instructors
of Sakhalin aikido federation represented by Korzh
Vitaly, Konstantinov Sergey and Misaylov Victor take
a part in international courses, under the leadership
by professor of aikido, founder of the European school
«Le Cercle Ch.Tissier» Christian Tessier (7 dan aikido
The courses were held in the suburbs
of Paris – in town Vincennes for 10 days. During this
time, the Sakhalin aikidoists take a part in 28 training
sessions under the leadership by Bruno Gonzalez, Pascal
Guillemin and Fabrice Groize in the "non-stop"
mode, which increased their level of technical skill
and physical condition.
When the course is finished, Sakhalin
aikidoists was invited to training courses in 2014.
Students of the International School "ZIMA"
took part in the open class in aikido, organized by
the Instructors of Sakhalin Aikido Federation and
their pupils.
The lesson took place in three sections: a video
presentation and hands-on and demonstrations, during
which kids can learn more about the art of Aikido
and methods of teaching it.
15th anniversary of the Amur Aikido Federation

Instructors of Sakhalin Aikido Federation
Victor Misaylov and Sergey Konstantinov attended the
celebration of the 15th anniversary of the founding
of the Amur Aikido Federation, in the Blagoveshchensk
city .
As a sign of appreciation and respect
for regional management of sports organizations "Amurkan
Aikido", they made a demonstration performances
on the main stage of the city.
The students of the Sakhalin Aikido Federation congratulated
the residents and visitors of the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
from 131 anniversary of its foundation.

September 14, they made a demonstration
performances on one of the sports fields where demonstrated
arsenal of both basic and applied techniques of Aikido.
From 3rd to 27th of June 2013 the
leadership of the Sakhalin Aikido Federation was organized
for children and teenagers, Aikido Summer Camp 2013.
33 aikidoists in age from 6 to 15 years were the
The grand opening of the camp was
held on June 3, where the children greeted instructors
Misaylov Victor and Sergey Konstantinov and their
assistants Kabel’kov Dmitry and Shtelmashenko Victor.
During the camp was organized and
carried out: 2 medical examination of anthropometric
measurements of physical development of children;
33 aikido lessons; daily theoretical sessions on the
topics: a healthy lifestyle, basic knowledge of nutrition,
martial arts of Japan, physical exercise and its impact
on the body; 2-day group sending children to Aniva
coast, sandy beach; 5 group trips to theaters of the
city; competition in physical training.
At the closing ceremony of the instructors
noted that all planned activities have been carried
out, problems are solved, and the goal is achieved.
There were also announced plans for the future.
All camp participants were awarded
with sweet gifts, stationery sets, as well as special
gifts: Aikido training videos, the book "Aikido
in Sakhalin: yesterday, today and tomorrow."
For the great success achieved during
camp, Tarazanov Egor and Mikhaylov Vadim were awarded
with special gifts.
May 19, held a grand commemorative
event dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Aikido
in the Sakhalin region. In the hall of the Korean
cultural center gathered everyone who loves and appreciates
aikido, who wanted to express my gratitude to the
main "hero of the occasion" - Yury Misaylov,
who stood at the cradle of this art in Sakhalin, and
his faithful team.
Organization and leadership festive
program took the coach of Aikido Victor Misaylov and
Sergey Konstantinov. What is happening on the stage
was so carefully thought out and prepared, the two-hour
program flew like a flash, capturing the attention
of all present.
Organically joined the celebration
presentation outline, made up of historic and contemporary
photographs and video of aikido. Under the soft music
is one of the finest leading holiday Olga Dubovik
told how it all started and where it is. And it's
very moving to see the screen very young children
- especially when they are already grown substantially,
rising to the stage to demonstrate the advanced techniques
of aikido, which they learned from their mentors.
By the way, the authors of all the
productions were also coaches aikido. It was clearly
seen that all the children and their teachers are
in one chorus of the creative fraternity - the spirit
of love and harmony inherent in the art of aikido,
vital in the room, creating an atmosphere of joy.
The audience was pleasantly surprised
to see that the knowledge of aikido and people find
themselves, revealing a very special talent. A great
performance of "Black Belt" Dmitry Alipchenkov
a rap-song, which has gone in the entire history of
the federation, spectacular dancing and sports production,
performed by Yuliya Makeyeva (repeatedly won championships
in ballroom dancing), Dmitry Kabelkov, Andrey Yaushev
and Dmitry Alipchenkov showed that "talented
people are talented in everything."
The speakers, of course, not only the students of
the organization, but also representatives of various
creative directions - and ballroom dancing and break
dancing and gymnastics - Hall warmly received them.
Was felt that the holiday was literally
filled with a sense of gratitude.
Were handed over, a lot of awards
- all active community members, sponsors, people in
every way helped in the development of aikido in Sakhalin.
The organizers have not forgotten a single man. And
what were the rewards! Aikido handmade figures - real
works of art, one-of-a-kind.
In conclusion, I want to give startling
facts reported by the stage Victor Misaylov. It turns
out that over the years through the halls of aikido
in Sakhalin were 1,253 people. In addition, on the
basis of aikido successfully formed and not only friends,
but real family relations - already had a full four
family aikidoists. Soon, the halls will be trained
not only to fathers and children, but grandparents
and grandchildren - and this is a real continuity,
which means that Aikido Federation will live long.
We warmly congratulate the heroes
of the day with the 20th anniversary and the organizers
hope to take advantage of an invitation to meet again
- this time at the 25th anniversary celebration on
Sakhalin aikido!
The fourth International seminar Aikido
Kobayashi Dojo was held in the regional capital during
the period from 16 to 20 May 2013 under the leadership
of Yamawaki Hisashi sensei (5th dan).
The seminar was attended by both Sakhalin
aikidoists and representatives of aikido from Khabarovsk,
Blagoveshchensk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur.
The total number of participants exceeded
120 people.
During the 4 days of the seminar Yamawaki
Sensei spent 6 training sessions, in which the Sakhalin
aikidoists more depth could approach the study of
the basic elements of aikido techniques.
It was also organized and conducted a separate class
for children.
The final point of the seminar was
the certification of the participants in the student's
degree kyu and dan.
According to the results of certification
67 people have successfully increased the level of
their technical skills.
4 pupil federation raised their technical level,
having passed certification on the dan degree:
Sergey Konstantinov - Sandan (3rd dan), Eugeniy Shtelmashenko
- Shodan (1st dan), Vitaly Korzh - Shodan (1st dan),
Zayants Anton - Shodan (1st dan).
February 9, 2013 in the Sakhalin
aikido federation was open lesson in children's groups.
There were more than 60 children.
Door of dojo were open to everyone:
parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, who were
able to look at the success of small aikidokas.
The lesson was led by Sergey Konstantinov
- instructor of the federation (2nd dan aikido).
This lesson is a planned event. According
to the results of several open classes will be formed
a group that will participate in the training sessions
of aikido in June.
of Sakhalin aikido federation congratulate their
leader, Yury A. Misaylov with successful delivery
of certification for a second dan in Iaido in
Japan on February 2-3, 2013. |
This past weekend (19-20.01.2013)
the young aikidokas got a gift from the printing company
of "ICON" a series of photographs - portraits
of six students and followers of the O-Sensei for
to decorate the galleries of dojo.
The Art of Aikido throughout the
world why it is called an art, which is not limited
to the study and application of techniques or methods.
It's a whole culture, which is based
on respect for the history, identity, and aesthetics.
Therefore, we always strive to ensure that not only
engaged Aikidoists physical condition, but also introduced
to the basics of Aikido deep from the very beginning
in the dojo.
For Evgeny V. Shtelmashenko, director
of "ICON" company, this event has a personal
meaning: he and his two sons are studying aikido with
trainers of Sakhalin aikido federation, and the gift
was an expression of sincere gratitude to the management
of the federation.
In turn, thanks to the company "ICON"
and look forward to continuing to partner together.
IV Far-East aiki marathon was held
in Khabarovsk last weekend.
More than 100 aikidoists from Khabarovsk,
Blagoveshchensk, Vladivostok, Komsomolsk-on-Amur and
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk had taken part at those meeting.
Regional public organization "Sakhalin
Aikido Federation" was represented by its president
Yuri Misaylov and instructor Sergey Konstantinov.
The main difference of IV Far-East
aiki marathon from previous meetings was very intense
schedule and also the participation of members of
other styles of Aikido Iwama Ryu, Shin Shin Toitsu,
Aiki Jujutsu.
On the 15th of December 2012 the
3rd Festival of martial arts had been holding at Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
The sportsmen of different kinds
of sports (such as taekwondo, karate, judo, kendo,
sambo, thai boxing) had taken part in those meeting.
Also the Sakhalin Aikido Federation
had been invited to demonstrate aikido techniques.
The young members of Sakhalin Aikido Federation had
shown both of basic and self defence aikido techniques.